Tag Archives: military

Assisting Woman on TroopWalk 2009

9 Jun

Today I had another opportunity to speak with Ruth Adkins.  This amazing woman is walking 3300 miles across America in 4 to 5 months, starting from Walter Reed Medical Center in DC on Memorial Day and ending in San Diego, CA.  Since her step off at the end of May, she has put one foot in front of the other in hopes to increase awareness for our troops and returning veterans that she assists with her non-profit organization called Inspiring Alliance (www.inspiringalliance.org) to find the much needed resources that they need upon returning from war…..it is unbelievable how many people don’t realize that these men and women come home to their families and can’t get a job, don’t have a home, have severe brain injuries or post traumatic stress disorder, have lost their limbs and are battling depression only to have to wait sometimes 18 months or more to get their VA benefits, which aren’t always even enough to live on.  In order to raise funds to assist them with their transition, Ruth is walking and hopes that people will go online to www.troopwalk.com and offer a donation.  She is visiting VA hospitals along the way and meeting with veterans.  She is encouraging them and letting them know that someone cares.  It is hot and though Ruth is somewhat in shape, she is 50 and she walks many miles a day. She has no income because she left her job.  She needs housing at night and meals.  Anything you can do along the way to help would mean the world to her.  Tonight she is staying in Athens, Ohio at a room I assisted in obtaining at no cost to her and she got a warm meal in her belly.  Such a simple task from me uplifted her by so many more leaps and bounds that I could have ever imagined.  She even called to thank me and bless me. I know that meeting her friend Monika (http://thewinningwoman.blogspot.com) and being introduced to helping Ruth was truly a request from God. I wish her well on her journey. I look forward to helping her more. I hope you do too.  Follow her on www.troopwalk.com